Our Strategy

Our Strategy

Our strategy is to attract, transform, and graduate applicants who reflect promise, potential, capability and diversity while providing all students whether undergraduate, post-graduate or professional with a transformative education characterized by quality and vigor which mobilizes them towards professional and self-development and enables them to contribute to community development. We do this by:

  • Encouraging pre-eminence in scholarship, inquiry and creativity and ensuring student well-being through structured academic support including emotional support, personal tutoring and peer-assisted learning mechanisms.
  • Enhancing student employability through provision of counselling services which provide students with comprehensive career planning at university and work placements, admission advice and support for materializing academic career trajectories.
  • Encouraging student achievements in academics, co-curricular, extra-curricular and community efforts by conferring formal recognition in the form of achievement awards.
  • Increasing college and student engagement and participation in community improvement initiatives and public sector service support through student volunteering and institutional expertise sharing.
  • Engaging well-credentialed and motivated staff committed to extending the best possible support to our academic community.
  • Forging partnerships and collaborations with external universities to offer affordable quality education through innovative educational program inspired by the motto ‘Act locally, think globally’.