On Campus
Jan / Sep
3 Years
This course provides the practical skills and conceptual understanding required for managing in organisations. The degree provides a broad understanding of management under diverse operating conditions and builds for you a contextual and conceptual foundation to manage organizations undergoing dramatic change.
All modules are strongly career-focused and have been designed with industry experts. All the basic functional areas that are deemed to comprise the business discipline namely Marketing, Operations, Accounting, HRM, Business Strategy, Economics, and other Contemporary Issues are included and their relevance to the context of rapid contemporary change is covered in-depth. Therefore, in order to enrol in this degree, you don’t need to have a chosen career path in mind. However, when you graduate from this programme, you’ll do so as a well-rounded, highly employable and self-motivated individual ready to enter the work industry, in whichever pathway you choose.
Admissions open for semesters commencing in January and September of every year. Ensure you allow adequate time for your application to go through the normal admission procedure of two weeks. Visit your nearest campus in time for securing a place in the programme.
The programme is taught using face-to-face learning. Students will have access to IVY resources as well as University of Bedfordshire BREO/VLE to complete their studies/modules. Support will be provided by local and link tutors at IVY and UOB.
Assessment takes a variety of forms, including essays and reports, portfolios, individual and group presentations (individually assessed), research proposals and exams. Many of the assessments tend to be focused on employability thus tend to be based on real case studies, project work, and other employability focused activities. Assessment becomes more nuanced and more demanding in Levels 5 & 6.