Building Confidence with MSc Management

Strategic Insights to excel leadership

Accredited By


Delivery Mode

On Campus


Jan / Sep


1 Years

Overview of Course

If you’re an ambitious manager working in the private, public or voluntary sectors, and want to develop your skills and engage in stimulating debate with your peers, then this course is for you. This course will enhance your understanding of contemporary leadership theory and develop your ability to reflect on your managerial experiences enabling you to transfer learning into practice.

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Admissions Requirements

Course Modules

Admissions open for semesters commencing in January and September of every year. Ensure you allow adequate time for your application to go through the normal admission procedure of two weeks. Visit your nearest campus in time for securing a place in the programme.

Year 1: Level 4
  • Management Theory and Practice Compulsory

    Business Sustainability in Practice Compulsory

    Strategy Compulsory

    Global Human Resource Management Compulsory

    Capstone Compulsory

Mode of Study

The programme is taught using face-to-face learning. Students will have access to IVY resources as well as University of Bedfordshire BREO/VLE to complete their studies/modules. Support will be provided by local and link tutors at IVY and UOB.

Assesment for Course

The different methods used to assess student performance are designed to evaluate the following: Research and literature review skills, data handling, application, numeracy, computer literacy, ability to contextualise and evaluate, presentation skills and professionalism, and collaboration.